64 Special Andrew Tate Quotes that will MAKE YOU THINK

Whether you like him or not, the internet is blown up with Andrew Tate videos. Regarded as “Top G” by his fans, he has taken up the internet, especially TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Men of all ages seem to share Andrew Tate quotes on their pages to motivate themselves and others.

Whenever you scroll through videos, you see his confident face, sometimes talking offensive stuff, but other times, you can’t stop yourself from saying, “This man is spitting facts!”.

Statistics show that he has been the most googled person in 2022 on search queries starting with the words “who is..”! It means he is the person people want to know about the most on the internet.

What Is Andrew Tate Famous For?

Andrew Tate’s rise to fame has not been immediate, as he has been a popular kickboxer and had a record of 76-9 during his career, and was a 4th-time world champion. But kickboxing is not what made him an internet phenomenon. As he said, he would fight for a maximum of 3-4 times a year and would get 80-100k $ per each fight, which was extremely dangerous too.

He has always been active on the internet, and his videos where he talks about life and his opinions about different matters went viral in the last 1-2 years. What made him super famous, though, was the advice he gave to men, especially in their late teens and early 20s, about why we should bring back masculinity and always strive to be our best financially, intellectually, and physically.

After he made a lot of controversial claims about relationships and women, he got a lot of hate and was labelled as “misogynist” and “sexist,” while other people went too far and started a campaign to cancel him from the internet. And he got banned from social media, and his official accounts were closed. But it did not harm his popularity at all. Now the number of people who join his podcasts has significantly increased, and he is invited to top-rated TV shows, including “Piers Morgan Uncensored“.

Andrew Tate quotes about cheating, feminism, gender equality, money, and 9-5 jobs will probably offend many people, as he is 100% direct and bold about his opinions on these matters. He is a man of controversies, after all, where he can get your sympathy when he talks about certain topics and lose it in the next 2 seconds with offensive opinions.

How Did Andrew Tate Get Rich?

Andrew Tate owns various businesses and casinos with his brother, Tristan Tate. He also owns Hustler’s University, where he teaches lessons about how to make money and get rich. The instructors at this university are multimillionaires, as mentioned on the university website, which increases its credibility of it. Before he got cancelled, the internet phenomenon also earned a lot of money from social media.

He also earns money from their webcam studio, investments, and online companies. His net worth is approximately 360 million $.

The Best Andrew Tate Quotes Ever

So he is a successful kickboxer, businessman, internet phenomenon, and all that. Why should we take him as an example?

Well, knowing that he was broke a decade ago and ate leftover KFCs with his brother for lunch, you have to know that he has come a long way before making it to the top. As he is one of the wealthiest men in the world and has made it to the top in 8-10 years, you can listen to what he has to say, at least about making money. Below are some of the best Andrew Tate quotes on different topics.

Andrew Tate Quotes on Discipline

Andrew Tate quotes that discipline will always be special as he thinks it is much more important than motivation. Here are my top picks for you:

  • “If you can not control your mind, you have zero control over anything in your life. You are just a feather in the wind, waiting for life to blow you from a happy place to a sad place”.
  • “For 12 years, I trained for 5 hours a day, six times a week, and I was probably motivated to train only 25% of the time. The rest of the time, I went because I am disciplined.”
  • “Discipline is the difference between being a winner or a loser, between achieving greatness or settling for mediocrity.”
  • “I think a man should have zero interest in happiness. If I wake up and I’m unhappy, I’ll do the exact same things as if I’m happy.”
  • “If you move happiness down the scale and start looking at “Am I successful, competent, achieving things, respected?” and take these indicators seriously, you will end up happier without actually analyzing.”
  • “Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure.”
  • “Motivation is not a real thing. You are not going to be motivated for the rest of your life. You need to do what you’re supposed to do, not what you feel like doing.”
  • “The temporary satisfaction of quitting is outweighed by the eternal suffering of being a nobody.”
  • “You should work when you do not feel like working, or you are never going to be anything”.
  • “In my era, you do not get anywhere in life without discipline. You can’t just play video games and get rich because none of that is real.”
  • “People say you need to find what you are passionate about. Only do things you like because you have no motivation for anything else. Well, motivation is a scam. Do you think a Chinese concrete billionaire is passionate about concrete?”

Andrew Tate Quotes on Success

Andrew also loves to talk about his way up to the top. He can seem arrogant, the furthest person from humbleness on earth, but he is successful in what he is doing, so these Andrew Tate quotes on success may have a great impact on you:

  • “The number one thing that tells me if a man’s going to be successful is his stress tolerance. You are not going to have big life without big problems.”
  • “You are not going to be successful in a life that is a calm ocean. You need to learn to just surf the waves and laugh.”
  • “When you see a car with a price of a house and when you see people with 30 of them, that’s gotta wake you up!”
  • “Let’s imagine you have a good salary. 40-50k $ per year, you are a successful slave. If you save every single penny of it, you might be able to buy one supercar in what, 90 years?”
  • “Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.”
  • “You do not become a master unless you learn to be a very, very good student”.
  • “If you have two arms and two legs and still not trying your best, that’s why you are not lucky.”
  • “Nobody cares about you as much as you need to care about you. Nobody is going to save you. It is totally down to you.”
  • “You are the only person who can make this work, and you are the only person who can mess this up.”
  • “You should believe that perfection is possible; you can have a perfect life. I did not get to the top in a straight line. I had a lot of setbacks, bruises, and problems on the way.”
  • “If you love your family and your last name, then you have a duty to be massively, monumentally successful.”
  • “If I’m not doing something extremely difficult or stressful, I’m in a perpetual state of crippling boredom.”
  • “Some people can not live a boring life. Some people can not just function 9-5 in the office and get drunk on weekends. And I’m one of these people. Unless I’m a billionaire, I need to do something to keep myself entertained.”
  • “Life is hypnosis. You have to believe in things and say them to yourself. If you tell yourself “I am strong” repeatedly for a long period of time, you will eventually become strong.”
  • “If you are struggling with motivation to be a winner, then you should stay a loser for the rest of your life.”

Andrew Tate Quotes on Depression and Therapy

Some of the most controversial things Andrew Tate says are about depression. As our awareness of depression is getting better with modern science, more and more people come out claiming to be depressed or sad nowadays. Well, Top G would love to have a word with you. Here are some of the most iconic Andrew Tate quotes on Depression:

  • “I refuse to believe in things that will take my strength away. If believing in depression is going to take my power away, then I do not believe in it!”
  • “The problem with therapy is that it encourages people to dwell on their problems instead of taking action to solve them. If you want to be happy, you need to focus on what you can control, not what you can’t.”
  • “Therapy is often just a way for people to avoid taking responsibility for their own lives. They’d rather blame their problems on their upbringing or their past than face the reality that they need to make changes in the present.”
  • “I believe that certain things can happen that will make you feel depressed. But I do not believe in depression as a clinical disease. You got to make your life better, and depression is going to go away.”
  • “There are people in Syria whose entire families have been blown with a bomb from the sky and still get up every day making bread and selling them on the streets so they can buy a sandal sometime next year. Meanwhile, you are crying over nothing with your first-world bullshit.”
  • “Your house is only haunted if you believe in ghosts. Belief is a powerful thing, and it is the belief of clinical depression that is putting you in constant fear.”
  • “If you feel depressed, go to the gym first thing tomorrow. Try to get a six-pack first. By the time you get a six-pack, you won’t want to kill yourself anymore. That’s how it works.”
  • “You can accept you’re depressed, or you can fix it. It is your choice. It’s the same about being fat, lonely, sad, ill-educated, or anything else. Only you can make things better.”
  • “The truth is, most therapists don’t have any real solutions for their patients. They just listen and nod and collect their paycheck. If you want to get better, you need to take control of your own life and make changes.”
  • “Why is depression not universal? Have you ever thought about why some countries have more depression and some less? Maybe it’s because, in some countries, all we do is talk about depression and promote the idea?”

By the way, in case you are depressed or can’t find the motivation to do stuff, you might go through the 12 stages of burnout, which I’ve discussed in another blog, despite all the opposing Andrew Tate quotes we mentioned above.

Andrew Tate Quotes about Men and Women

Here comes the fun part. Andrew Tate is mostly criticized and hated for his opinions on gender, feminism, and equality. It will either make you think, offend you or will make you laugh. They can happen at the same time too, but that is where Andrew Tate does not hold back.

Here are some of the most noticeable Andrew Tate quotes on relationships, genders, equality, feminism, and masculinity:

Andrew Tate Quotes on men
  • “Never in any civilization in the history of mankind were men celebrated for their weakness.”
  • “To be respected by women, a man, on average, should be intelligent, wise, smart, brave, capable, competent, has to do amazing things, has to be motivated, ambitious, while all the woman has to do is be loyal. What is actually harder?”
  • “These dudes in the coal mine do not think about oppressing women; they are thinking about providing for women. A man going to work at 6 AM does it so his wife can raise their kids and have nice nails.”
  • “Feminism is not about equality. It’s about power. Feminists want to tear down the traditional structures of society and replace them with their own radical agenda.”
  • “Feminism has made women unhappy. It’s convinced them that they need to be independent and self-sufficient, but that’s not what most women want. Women want to be loved and cared for, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
  • “I do not think most women understand how lonely the majority of men are. You girls will never be lonely as much as you might be unhappy with the possible suitors. There are men in the world who have genuine loneliness. Why do you think men are killing themselves more?”
  • “The problem with the feminist movement is that it’s based on the false idea that men and women are exactly the same. They’re not. Men and women have different roles to play in society, and that’s a good thing.”
  • “Women are not oppressed in the West. They have more opportunities than ever before, and they can do anything they want. The idea that women are victims is a myth perpetuated by feminists.”
  • “Women who complain that men have all the power and money are confusing two things: the top 1% of men and all men. Most men do not have any money or power; their life sucks.”
  • “I do not think the world has ever been equal. The modern society we live in has been built by men. Women are just as important, but they have a completely different role in society.”
  • “As a man, you can not afford the luxury to sit there and say “I’m sad and depressed today.” Because you will lose against the men who do not do that, the men’s world is very competitive, and women only choose the winners.”
  • “The moment bad thing happens, a feminist will call a police officer. Do you think they want a feminist male to turn up? They need us, a man like me or you!”
  • “Most times men lose in life at their chess positions because they have attached themselves to a queen and they will let her go.”
  • “Men are not designed to be comfortable; they want to achieve, suffer, and conquer.”
  • “Loyalty is not having one option. It is having many options and returning to the same place.”
  • “Men and women are not equal, and they never will be. We are biologically different, and we have different strengths and weaknesses. That’s just the way it is.”

Andrew Tate Quotes on “Matrix”

The internet phenomenon’s most interesting and probably eye-opening views are about the system we are born into. The education system, jobs, salaries, media brainwashing, and discrimination issues are what he is talking about most passionately. Of course, he is also promoting his courses from Hustlers University with it too, but still, we should look at Andrew Tate’s quotes:

  • “Your mind is always distracted by garbage like TV shows and concerts. I call it a “clown world” because it is a never-ending circus.”
  • “The Matrix is a reminder that we’re all living in a simulation. Our lives are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves, the beliefs we hold, and the actions we take. If you want to change your life, you have to change your story.”
  • “There are people who have been in charge of the world for a long time. And people at the bottom just do not seem to get it because people in charge are trying their best to keep them asleep.”
  • “What the government wants is slaves. They get the people to make things for money, which the government prints. If you give your life for something the government can build from thin air, then you are still a slave.”
  • “Government will not use a single word to wake you up. They will tell you all this crap about identifying as a panda.”
  • “They try very hard to prevent you from creating your reality, you are constantly distracted by everything, and it is hard to focus on nearly anything. If you go to protest on rain, that takes focus and energy, and they want just that.”
  • “Do you think a black billionaire and a white billionaire discuss skin colour when they talk? Racism is a poor people issue.”
  • “You are trapped in a system which is deliberately rigged to make the rich richer and for the poor to stay poor.”
  • “I knew university and good grades were a lie because you go to a gas station, see a guy in a Lambo, and you think “gangster, drug dealer, criminal,” and you are not thinking about a uni degree because you know how this works!”
  • “Education is a scam because it operates in a vacuum. It is not in an open market. The degrees have less value and more costs each year.”
  • “The people on top designed the system in a way that we, at the bottom, keep fighting each other over races, equality, and all this stuff that do not matter.”
  • “Most people are asleep, living in a world of illusions, and they don’t even realize it. But if you want to be successful, you have to wake up and see the truth.”


I picked the most thought-provoking, offensive, funny, controversial, and mind-opening Andrew Tate quotes for you in this blog. No matter what he does or talks about from now on, he is already a memorable, honest, and interesting person. What do you think about these Andrew Tate quotes?

You can also read my blog to get new daily content on topics that will change your perspective and way of thinking and, most importantly, help you become a better version of yourself.

Nurlan Suleymanov
Nurlan Suleymanov

I help people overcome obstacles on their ways to become the best version of themselves with simple, realistic steps. I do that by providing techniques & discipline hacks with actual materials.

Articles: 16

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